Now that we have a clear understanding of the features we want in Version 1, and the mediums we will use to deliver them to our stakeholders, it's time to bring your ideas to life and create the user experience for each of these features.
Remember, in Step 2-B we selected the most important features to include in Version 1, and in Step 3 we defined the mediums we would use to interact with each stakeholder. So, in this step, we will build upon all the previous steps and create a seamless user experience for each feature, for each stakeholder.
Think about how each stakeholder will interact with each feature through the mediums selected. What pages do you need? What forms will be used for what actions? What data will be displayed and where? What buttons will be clicked and where will they take the user?
Don't worry about technical details like custom objects or form fields at this point. Instead, focus on creating a clear and easy-to-use interface that will lead to the desired outcome for each feature and stakeholder.
Whether you prefer to do this exercise on paper or with a digital tool, the goal is to bring your ideas to life and create a user experience that will deliver the expected outcome. So, let's get creative and have some fun with it!
Congratulations! You have now accomplished the bulk of the work. With all of the planning and strategizing out of the way, it's time to dive into the nitty-gritty details. By taking the time to thoughtfully design the user experience, you have set the foundation for a successful launch and a smooth user journey. Up next, you'll get to move on to step 5, where you'll focus on deducing the objects, relationships, and fields needed to bring your vision to life. So take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back for a job well done, and get ready to take the next step in building your amazing project!